
The scribing machines from Telesis Technologies, Inc. create high-quality marks on various surfaces. These marks are created by dragging a stylus across the part’s surface. The result is a smooth, legible and permanent mark. The scribing process is powerful and fast to improve efficiency.

Scribe markers can be used on many solid or hollow materials, including hard steels. These machines can impart very deep markings on these surfaces. This capability makes scribing machines ideal for the construction, transport, energy and automotive industries for plate marking and VIN marking on truck and car chassis. Other applications include environments where noise is a concern because scribe marking machines operate with little to no noise.

Features of Our Scribe Markers

Our scribing machines can provide legible, contrasting marks while withstanding mechanical loads. The operator uses software to determine the mark’s shape, size and location. In the system, a stylus penetrates and scratches the surface, directly marking the design onto the material. This method creates continuous lines and deep grooves in the material.

The key features of this system include:

  • The ability to make characters, numbers, logos, graphics and other designs into various materials.
  • Fast marking speeds to enhance operational efficiency.
  • Very deep engraving that is precise and permanent.
  • Continuous contact of the stylus on the material to reduce noise levels.
  • You can integrate your scribe marker into your industrial production line or mount it on a workstation.

Choose Telesis Technologies, Inc. for Scribing Machines

Telesis Technologies, Inc. offers scribing machines for a variety of industries and applications. Our technology allows manufacturers from virtually any sector to add bar codes, identification numbers and more to their products.

As your one-stop shop, we offer more than permanent marking options. Our team will take care of any service you need, including equipment, software, integration, customization, maintenance, service and more. Take advantage of our knowledge about scribing machines to enhance your operations.

Telesis Technologies, Inc. is an industry leader in scribe marking machines and other laser marking technologies. Our systems exceed your expectations with innovative technology that transforms the industry. Your equipment is also built to last in tough environments. Whether you want to upgrade your existing laser marking system or purchase your first laser machine, our scribe markers are an excellent choice.


The most powerful scribe marker, the heavy duty SC5000 has a large marking window and can create extra deep and wide marks.


At 2.5in x 7.5in (63mm x 190mm) it is especially well-suited for VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) marking applications.



The powerful, extremely heavy-duty SC6000 is the right choice when deep, low noise marking is required. It is especially well-suited for VIN (Vehicle Identifi cation Number) marking applications as the marker can meet the .3mm export specifi cation.


Extremely low noise marking
Powerful, rugged marking head drive mechanism for deep scribe marking
Driven by high torque stepper motors
6.5 x 1.18 in. (165.1 x 30 mm) marking window
Especially well suited for VIN (Vehicle Identifi cation Number) applications
Self Contained, state-of-the-art TMC470 controller features two serial ports, USB and Ethernet ports (see page 33) and TMC600 (see page 32)
Automatically generates serial numbers, date, time and shift codes


Further if you have any specific or customizable requirements, we’re here to assist you!

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